早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
A:I want to have a date with Lily.You know ,I have loved her since I was 8years old.
B:Are you sure? Cause I saw she was going on a blind date with a guy.
C:Not only that . I also saw she was flirting with a tall boy .
A:Are you kidding me ? I am so sad . But I still want to have a try . Then I will ask her out for dinner this evening.And I hope that she have a crush on me ,too.
C:Is she a sweet tooth ?
A:Yes ,she likes chocoholic.
B:Oh ,that's terrible. sweet is the killer of tooth.
A:Yeah,I will try my best to persuade her flunking it.
B:I wish you success
B:Are you sure? Cause I saw she was going on a blind date with a guy.
C:Not only that . I also saw she was flirting with a tall boy .
A:Are you kidding me ? I am so sad . But I still want to have a try . Then I will ask her out for dinner this evening.And I hope that she have a crush on me ,too.
C:Is she a sweet tooth ?
A:Yes ,she likes chocoholic.
B:Oh ,that's terrible. sweet is the killer of tooth.
A:Yeah,I will try my best to persuade her flunking it.
B:I wish you success
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