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A separations had lived in different planet lovers.They had never met,but looking at each other planets grow up.On the far side of the planet with warm bright ray of light.Long stare,love in their hearts were gradually.Can feel the love from faraway planet?His staring at her in the heart of the planet temperature rise gradually.Finally one day,he summoned the courage to her star a signal.Hello?Hello.This is their long-awaited voice.They said the same kind of word clearly,but gradually discovered that they couldn't understand each other's language.But they still looking forward to each other,still depend on each other.Because of the language,they argue,and reconciliation.Or sometimes the accidental,understand each other and some words.But that's just an illusion,understanding.She cared about his health,deep cold but he receive not pick her comfort.He wants to know if she loves him,but the contents are from space,the weather of today is very good.They say life bagatelle,to express love in their own language.They put his hand on the head,microphone,but whatever temperature can convey faraway planet.Finally they fell silent.Perhaps,the language of the emotion,have lost in the universe.Her tears drop a drop in on the phone,he thought it was a radio noise.Among them,the distance is eternal,who also cannot change.They say the sentence to express love is,but with their own stubbornly sense to understand.Sometimes he feels,their calls may be a mistake.If they never dialogue,is always each other's eyes,distant planets warm light with the gentleness.How lonely and self,no matter how sincerely speak his love,there are always cannot be understood.Heart and the heart,distant distance like two planets.Some people may not understand each other that doomed.Even though they each other sincerely.Lovers,sometimes,is the world's most difficult language.Although we live alone in the boundless universe,however,have individual can understand their language.One will do.
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