早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Dear Sir Or Madam,
Please kindly see below in detail,
There are many companies who don't accept new booking for this port.The detail reason for this is that they couldn't confirm the fact.Firstly,there are many common goods and ours belong to the dangerous goods.Secondly,the price has been getting increased so fastly.We have tried our best to rush on the two containers in priority.We only have one week to get to be ready for it as it maybe you discussed for a long time.
Best Regards,
Dear Sir Or Madam,
Please kindly see below in detail,
There are many companies who don't accept new booking for this port.The detail reason for this is that they couldn't confirm the fact.Firstly,there are many common goods and ours belong to the dangerous goods.Secondly,the price has been getting increased so fastly.We have tried our best to rush on the two containers in priority.We only have one week to get to be ready for it as it maybe you discussed for a long time.
Best Regards,
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