早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
If it is possible , I would like to work in a large office , whose wall is light green. There is a big office table in the centre of the office , on which are a computer , a telephone, a printer , a dictionary and a lamp . The computer is connected to the internet ,and I can surf the internet
anytime, which is convient to my work , like contracting business and searching for information .
There is a bookcase leaning against the wall,in which are plenty of books and files. Spitting or
smoking are not allowed . Verdant lawn can be seen out of the window . The office building is surrounded with tall trees . It is a calm and peaceful place with fresh air around it . I can go out for a walk and look far into the distance at work break . What a comfortable environment to work in !
anytime, which is convient to my work , like contracting business and searching for information .
There is a bookcase leaning against the wall,in which are plenty of books and files. Spitting or
smoking are not allowed . Verdant lawn can be seen out of the window . The office building is surrounded with tall trees . It is a calm and peaceful place with fresh air around it . I can go out for a walk and look far into the distance at work break . What a comfortable environment to work in !
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