早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.We __________ each other in turning out more attractive products(产品).
A.competes B.compete C.competing D.competition
2.The school is developing fast as the old classrooms are ________ modern ones.
A.substitute B.replacing C.replaced by D.replace of
3.Often,people _______ smiles ______ say hello.
A.use,to B.used,to C.are,when D.are used,or
4.Three main events _________ in Olympics:Field & Tracks,Balls and the others.
A.include B.is C.are included D.including
5.The team need to __________ the champion.
A.train in B.is trained for C.be trained for D.training in
6.Papers and books are still necessary __________of information technology.
A.at this time B.at time C.in the age D.in age
7._________ the various clubs at school is interesting to me.
A.Participate B.Participating in C.Join D.Taking part
8.______ women ______ slaves are excluded (排除) from the first Olympics.
A.Both…and B.Either…or C.Neither…nor D.All…of
9.___________ stores are coming out in this block.
A.24 hour B.24 hours C.24 of hour D.24-hour
10.Olive wreath was once a _______ for the winners in the old Olympics.
A.privilege B.gain C.gift D.substitute
11.The ancient Olympics used to be _______ and simple.
A.religious B.irreligious C.religion D.religiously
12.Children and _______ should be protected against smoke.
A.non-smokers B.no smoking C.smokers D.smoking
13.New stamps are issued(发行) ________ the important events of the year.
A.honor B.in honor of C.honor for D.with honor
14.Giving to the poor is ____________ be honorable(光荣的).
A.looked B.looked to C.look up to D.looked up to
15.Students are looking forward to the wonderful _________ of our heroes.
A.performs B.performing C.performance D.performances
16.Playing in the water _______ lots of fun on a hot summer day.
A.is B.are C.has D.have
17.At dinner time,I enjoy telling Mom everything I ________ at school today.
A.taken part B.took part in
C.participate D.participated
18.I write down everything about work in my notebook; ________ it,I’d forget
the things I should do.
A.before B.except C.outside D.without
1.We ___B_______ each other in turning out more attractive products(产品).
A.competes B.compete C.competing D.competition
2.The school is developing fast as the old classrooms are ____C____ modern ones.
A.substitute B.replacing C.replaced by D.replace of
3.Often,people ______A_ smiles ______ say hello.
A.use,to B.used,to C.are,when D.are used,or
4.Three main events ________C_ in Olympics:Field & Tracks,Balls and the others.
A.include B.is C.are included D.including
5.The team need to ______C____ the champion.
A.train in B.is trained for C.be trained for D.training in
6.Papers and books are still necessary ____C______of information technology.
A.at this time B.at time C.in the age D.in age
7._____B____ the various clubs at school is interesting to me.
A.Participate B.Participating in C.Join D.Taking part
8.__A____ women ______ slaves are excluded (排除) from the first Olympics.
A.Both…and B.Either…or C.Neither…nor D.All…of
9.______D_____ stores are coming out in this block.
A.24 hour B.24 hours C.24 of hour D.24-hour
10.Olive wreath was once a ____D___ for the winners in the old Olympics.
A.privilege B.gain C.gift D.substitute
11.The ancient Olympics used to be ___A____ and simple.
A.religious B.irreligious C.religion D.religiously
12.Children and ___A____ should be protected against smoke.
A.non-smokers B.no smoking C.smokers D.smoking
13.New stamps are issued(发行) ____B____ the important events of the year.
A.honor B.in honor of C.honor for D.with honor
14.Giving to the poor is ______C______ be honorable(光荣的).
A.looked B.looked to C.look up to D.looked up to
15.Students are looking forward to the wonderful ______B___ of our heroes.
A.performs B.performing C.performance D.performances
16.Playing in the water ___C____ lots of fun on a hot summer day.
A.is B.are C.has D.have
17.At dinner time,I enjoy telling Mom everything I ____B____ at school today.
A.taken part B.took part in
C.participate D.participated
18.I write down everything about work in my notebook; _____B___ it,I’d forget
the things I should do.
A.before B.except C.outside D.without
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