早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.你把我雨伞放哪儿了?(do with something)
4.彼得明天不能参赛了,他感冒了.(be down with)
5.我从未梦想过自己在剧中扮演一个角色.(dream of)
8.他得到了牛津大学的奖学金,但一年后他退学了.(drop out of)
9.众所周知,他的成功完全是努力的结果.(due to)
10.由于一系列新的地铁线路的开通,我市公共交通状况有了很大改善.(due to)
1.你把我雨伞放哪儿了?(do with something)
4.彼得明天不能参赛了,他感冒了.(be down with)
5.我从未梦想过自己在剧中扮演一个角色.(dream of)
8.他得到了牛津大学的奖学金,但一年后他退学了.(drop out of)
9.众所周知,他的成功完全是努力的结果.(due to)
10.由于一系列新的地铁线路的开通,我市公共交通状况有了很大改善.(due to)
1.What are you doing with my umbrella?
2.The price always the first thing to dominate.
3.It's no doubt that he can't alive today if nobody donate kidney to him.
4.Peter can't take part in match because he is down with cold.
5.I never dream of I can play a role in the play.
6.He always dream of the creek in front of the old house and happy childhood after he left his hometown for many years.
7.What can you draw the conclusion from the evidence you heard?
8.He got the scholarship from Oxford University,but he drop out of the school one years later.
9.As we know,his success due to his great effort.
10.Due to the series of the new subway's open,our city's traffic condition have many improve.
全部自己翻译的.- -
2.The price always the first thing to dominate.
3.It's no doubt that he can't alive today if nobody donate kidney to him.
4.Peter can't take part in match because he is down with cold.
5.I never dream of I can play a role in the play.
6.He always dream of the creek in front of the old house and happy childhood after he left his hometown for many years.
7.What can you draw the conclusion from the evidence you heard?
8.He got the scholarship from Oxford University,but he drop out of the school one years later.
9.As we know,his success due to his great effort.
10.Due to the series of the new subway's open,our city's traffic condition have many improve.
全部自己翻译的.- -
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