早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Now paper still ( )from trees.We use a lot of pa[er every day.If we keep on ( )paper,there will not be any trees left on the ( ).If there are no trees,there will be no paper.Every day people throw ( )about 2800 tons of paper in our city .It ( )17 trees to make one ton of paper .this ( )that we are cutting neaely 48000 trees every day.
How can we save paper?We can use both sides of every ( )of paper,especially when we are making notes.we can chooes drinks in ( )instead of paper packaging.We can also use cotton handkerchisfs and not paper ones.When we go ( )we can use fewer paper bags.if the shop assistant gives ue a paper bag,we can save it and ( )it later.
Now paper still ( )from trees.We use a lot of pa[er every day.If we keep on ( )paper,there will not be any trees left on the ( ).If there are no trees,there will be no paper.Every day people throw ( )about 2800 tons of paper in our city .It ( )17 trees to make one ton of paper .this ( )that we are cutting neaely 48000 trees every day.
How can we save paper?We can use both sides of every ( )of paper,especially when we are making notes.we can chooes drinks in ( )instead of paper packaging.We can also use cotton handkerchisfs and not paper ones.When we go ( )we can use fewer paper bags.if the shop assistant gives ue a paper bag,we can save it and ( )it later.
Now paper are still CUT from trees.We use a lot of paper every day.If we keep on WASTING paper,there will not be any trees left on the EARTH/PLANET.If there are no trees,there will be no paper.Every d...
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