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The Inevitability of Tess’s tragedy
Acknowledgments …………………………………………………………ⅱ
1.General commentary and summary of Tess of the d’Urbervilles………1
2.The inevitability of Tess's tragedy produced by outside causes………2
2.1Tess's nature contradicted with hypocritical era and religion……2
2.2The inevitability of tragedy caused by Tess's unique personality
which different from her parents……………………………………2
2.3The inevitability of Tess's tragedy caused by Alec and Angel………3
3.The inevitability of Tess's tragedy produced by internal causes………4
3.1 The inevitability of Tess's tragedy produced by the contradiction
between her submission and her pride independence…………4
3.2The inevitability of Tess's tragedy produced by indistinct
equal thoughts…………………………………………………………5
4.Last thorough commentary to the inevitability of Tess's tragedy…………6
摘 要
关键词:必然性 苔丝 悲剧
Tess of the D’urbervilles is the height of Hardy’s achievement.In this novel,we are introduced to Tess,a pure,kind and lovely women who suffered great misfortune and sentenced to death at last.What are Tess’s tragedy causes?Can it be avoidable?Or can it be unavoidable?This essay will list some reasons of influencing Tess's tragic features from the background of that era,family causes,internal causes of Tess.Therefore the form of her tragic features is unavoidable.
Key words:Inevitability Tess Tragedy
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