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  Now the town of Grantham in Lincolnshire has produced a fiery export after a local produc?er grew the world's hottest chilli(红辣椒) .

  Measuring 1. 17 million on the Scoville Scale(史高维尔指示) 一an official  1  of spicy(辛

辣的) heat the chilli is so  2  that it is not good to health.

  3 by Nick Woods, 39 , the chilli―which was planted in a  made it to the Guin?ness Book of World Records 5 it is much hotter than its previous title holder, the Bhut Jolo-kia from India.

  Mr Woods said that he grew the record-breaking chilli  6 .

   He 7 ,"I did not set out to grow it. It is really easy for chillies to crossbreed(杂交) in a greenhouse. It tasted nice at first when I  8 ,like a strange fruity   9 . After a while it hit me. All of a sudden I felt it 10 in the back of my throat so hot that I could not 11 . In the meantime I  12  to shake uncontrollably. I had to sit down and I felt physically.

  13 The burn on my tongue lasted half an hour and the 14 went on and on. I was real?ly  15    . I really don't suggest anybody  16  it raw like that."

He said, " We do feel quite  17  to get it because everyone in the world has heard of the Guinness Book of Worm Records.  18  someone else comes along and  19  it they can never take it away from us that we once  20  the world record." 

(   ) 1.A. account   B. measure   C. assessment   D. analysis

(   ) 2.A. hot   B. big   C. red   D. smelly、

(   ) 3.A. Cooked   B. Improved   C. Grown   D. Created

(   ) 4.A. garden   B. forest   C. cave   D. greenhouse

(   ) 5.A. because   B. if   C. until   D. although

(   ) 6.A. secretly   B. accidentally   C. eagerly   D. bravely

(   ) 7.A. explained   B. argued   C. complained   D. announced

(   ) 8.A. listened   B. tried   C. watched   D. felt

(   ) 9.A. taste   B. smell   C. appearance   D. size

(   ) 10.A. swinging   B. burning   C. jumping   D. melting

(   ) 11.A. speak   B. write   C. remember   D. understand

(   ) 12.A. continued   B. pretended   C. began   D. avoided

(   ) 13.A. sick   B. tired   C. strong   D. excited

(   ) 14.A. adjustment   B. thought   C. effect   D. impression

(   ) 15.A. sorry   B. worried   C. guilty   D. careful

(   ) 16.A. describe   B. carry   C. eat   D. touch

(   ) 17.A. puzzled   B. depressed   C. satisfied   D. honored

(   ) 18.A. Even if   B. As if   C. Since   D. Unless

(   ) 19.A. proves   B. avoids   C. treats   D. beats

(   ) 20.A. supported   B. found   C. organized   D. held


1- 5 BACDA 6—10 BABAB

11— 15 ACACB 16—20 CD ADD

Nick Woods在自家的温室里栽培出了世界上最辣的辣椒。



3.C从下文可知,世界上最辣的辣椒是Nick Woods种植的。



6.B从下段第一句判断,Nick Woods不是刻意去培育这种辣椒的,纯属偶然。

7.A下文内容是Nick Woods在解释事情的过程。

8.B Nick Woods尝了尝这个辣椒。


10.B从下文的The burn on my tongue可知, NickWoods的嗓子深处辣得都冒烟了。

11.A由本空前throat判断,嗓子火辣辣的, Nick Woods无法说话。

12.C NickWoods开始不由自主地颤抖了。

13.A NickWoods感觉身体很不舒服。

14.C Nick Woods的舌头一直感觉火辣辣的,这种影响一直在持续。

15.B Nick Woods感觉很不舒服,所以他开始担心。

16.C Nick Woods希望任何人都不要像他那样去生吃它。




20. D参见第18题解析。