早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
As we know, since day one, there isn't any perfect person in this world. Only those who has understand her/himself well can improve and achieve better results.
We should know our strenght as well as our weaknesses and not to cover our own mistakes, otherwise, we may become self centered and get contented. One will never get improved at all.
For example, a fellow student might think that he/she is best after know his/her results is better than the rest of students and would not accept any comments/advice, henceforth, no one will willing to alert or highlight to this particular student at all. And the progress of this student will remain stagnant and worst of, he/she may loose to others just like the race of the turtle and rabbit.
As such, I think we should always focus on our weaknesses, mistakes and be humble to accept any comments/remarks or suggestions, so as to make admend and improve ourself greatly.
We should know our strenght as well as our weaknesses and not to cover our own mistakes, otherwise, we may become self centered and get contented. One will never get improved at all.
For example, a fellow student might think that he/she is best after know his/her results is better than the rest of students and would not accept any comments/advice, henceforth, no one will willing to alert or highlight to this particular student at all. And the progress of this student will remain stagnant and worst of, he/she may loose to others just like the race of the turtle and rabbit.
As such, I think we should always focus on our weaknesses, mistakes and be humble to accept any comments/remarks or suggestions, so as to make admend and improve ourself greatly.
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