早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
A Visit To The Zoo
Today is Sunday. The sun is shining , and the sky is blue .I go to WangCheng park with my parents ,and visit the zoo.
There are so many animals in the zoo ,tigers , liones,Wolves ,deers ,bears,birds and so on .I like them very much .In the northwest corner of the park, there are two elephants . They have big noses ,long teeth, big ears , and their bodies look like big walls .They are eating carrots ,and very kind to us . Near the elephants,there is a monkey-hill. Many monkeys are living in the hill. Some are eating, some are playing games ,some are climbing hill, some are having a rest . Look ,there are three monkeys ,two large and one small, they are sitting one by one ,and combing hairs for each other. What a happy family!
Time goes by fast .It is time to have lunch . We have to leave . I will never forget this interesting day.
Today is Sunday. The sun is shining , and the sky is blue .I go to WangCheng park with my parents ,and visit the zoo.
There are so many animals in the zoo ,tigers , liones,Wolves ,deers ,bears,birds and so on .I like them very much .In the northwest corner of the park, there are two elephants . They have big noses ,long teeth, big ears , and their bodies look like big walls .They are eating carrots ,and very kind to us . Near the elephants,there is a monkey-hill. Many monkeys are living in the hill. Some are eating, some are playing games ,some are climbing hill, some are having a rest . Look ,there are three monkeys ,two large and one small, they are sitting one by one ,and combing hairs for each other. What a happy family!
Time goes by fast .It is time to have lunch . We have to leave . I will never forget this interesting day.
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