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英语用AS造十句话啊 不要复制人家的啊 我怕碰到和我同学抄的一样就交不了作业了 10句 要分的速度写 不要太长也不要太短 写得好的追加分
1、My childhood is not as easy as he thought.
2、Lucy is as beautiful as her moeher.
3、Jenny told us something interesting such as the strange life style of the local people.
4、The class was over as the bell rang.
5、As we grow up,we should do our best to reach our goal.
6、As soon as I get home,I'll call you.
7、Mr King was respected as a teacher.
8、Nancy ran as fast as she can in order to catch the last bus.
9、As we we all know,Beijing is the capital of China.
10、It seems as if that little boy have got lost.
2、Lucy is as beautiful as her moeher.
3、Jenny told us something interesting such as the strange life style of the local people.
4、The class was over as the bell rang.
5、As we grow up,we should do our best to reach our goal.
6、As soon as I get home,I'll call you.
7、Mr King was respected as a teacher.
8、Nancy ran as fast as she can in order to catch the last bus.
9、As we we all know,Beijing is the capital of China.
10、It seems as if that little boy have got lost.
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