早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Aren't you tired?I ____ you had done enough for today.
A.should have thought B.must have thought
C.might have thought D.could have thought
Which of the following adverbs can NOT be used to complete " _____ everybody came"?
A.Nearly B.Quite C.Practically D.Almost
Afterworking for the firm for ten years,he finally _____ the rank of deputy director.
A.achieved B.approached C.attained D.acquired
Winter is the _____ season at most hotels in this seaside town,because very few tourists come to stay.
A.slow B.slack C.low D.quiet
Come on,Jack,tell me the story.Don't keep me in ______.
A.suspense B.suspending C.suspension D.suspender
We had a good time there,and the food was plentiful and _____.
A.conducive B.wholesome C.helpful D.appreciative
It was strange that she would _____ such an absurd idea.
A.allow B.stick C.take D.entertain
The drink was packaged in champagne bottles and was being _____ as the real stuff.
A.passed out B.passed by C.passed over D.passed off
The person he interviewed was _____ his former schoolmate.
A.no other than B.no more than C.none other than D.none the less
The young employee has a(n)______ quality - he is totally honest.
A.respectable B.admirable C.decent D.approachable
A 本应想到而没想到B quite与表示多的量词搭配,如quite a lot ofC attain the rank 考察固定搭配C low season 淡季B hold/keep sb.in suspense 使处于焦灼等待状态; in suspension 悬浮中B the wholesome food 有益...
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