早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.All of us have"learned"facts which we thought would help us do well on an exam in school.着重解释一下其中的learned为什么加引号?再就是facts翻译成什么更确切一点?
2.Memory allows us to remember facts,see them in the light of new information,and make decisions that are important to us.着重强调一下see them的意思.
3.We have all wished,at some time or other,for a perfect memory.
4.Those mental pictures kept coming to his mind.come应该理解为进来吗?这个词只有这一个意思吗?这里应当怎么讲?
5.In fact,he was described as rather dull.
6.With a perfect memory,you might also remember things that may be best forgetten.其中的best怎么讲?
1 All of us have"learned"facts which we thought would help us do well on an exam in school.
这里是讽刺的意味.其实我们学到的方法不是正确的 所以这里LEARNED要用引号 facts可以意译为方法.
2 Memory allows us to remember facts,see them in the light of new information,and make decisions that are important to us.
3 We have all wished,at some time or other,for a perfect memory.我们都希望,在现在活着将来,能有一个美好的回忆.
some time or other 迟早~这里可以意译
4 Those mental pictures kept coming to his mind.
这些智力图片不停的在他脑中出现 come 有出现的意思哟
5 In fact,he was described as rather dull.
事实上 他被形容的相当笨
6 With a perfect memory,you might also remember things that may be best forgetten best 最好 用来修饰forgotten(是forgotten哦!)
7 考虑 回想