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飞速行进的时代列车已经将人类载入文明社会,在文明的人类社会,人们已经不再像愚昧时代的人们那样对犯罪人充满强烈的复仇思想,以眼还眼、以牙还牙、以命偿命的报应主义主张早已不再是对犯罪人科处刑罚的圭臬.对自身已有了足够的自信,深信即使对最严重的犯罪废除死刑,人类社会也不会停止前进的步伐.The fast running times train has brought the human being into a civilized society.In the civilized human society unlike the people in the ignorant times who were full of strong revenge mind to the offenders,the modern people now have suffuient
self-confidence and deeply believe that the human society will not stop its advancing steps even abolishing the death penalty for the most serious offenders,and the retribution claim of "giving as good as one gets","an eye for an eye",and "life for life" was no longer the criterion for criminal penalties.
人类自信没有死刑的社会将更美好.正是因为人们不再迷信死刑对最严重犯罪的遏制作用,同时基于对神圣的生命权的敬畏,废止死刑的呼声早在200多年前就从著名的启蒙思想家贝卡里亚的笔下发出,随之愈来愈强烈.Human being is self-confident that the society would be more beutiful without death penalty.It was because people no longer blindly believe the containment role of pursuing death penalty on the most serious crime,and together with the fear of the people on the sacred right of life,that Beccaria,a famous enlightenment thinker,sent the voice of abolishing death penalty as early as 200 years ago,and since then the voice has got stronger and stronger
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