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A dream duo啦(Doraemon) also said Jiqi Mao, a famous Japanese comic story, the story of the duo啦A dream is a future world from the Jiqi Mao, with their magical 100-bags and all kinds of wonderful props to help the owner Daxiong To solve all kinds of difficulties. A dream啦duo will be the story of people into a wonderful and full of imagination of the world. Therefore, it's image as an evergreen, accompanied by several generations of children grow up.
A duo啦dream was first created by two cartoonists published in the cooperation. They are vine WONG and the grandson of male. In 1969, the duo啦A dream was the first time as the primary museum published a long series of comic books, since then, this lovely Jiqi Mao on the increasingly broad audience favorite. When the first duo啦A dream of animation in Japan in 1979, when the broadcast, all the Japanese duo then set off an upsurge of啦A dream, although in the early years when there was a recession period, but the past several decades has been unprecedented in Japan Success. Then the first duo啦A dream film also introduced in 1980, in addition to 2005, has an annual spring film distribution in Japan.
A duo啦dream was first created by two cartoonists published in the cooperation. They are vine WONG and the grandson of male. In 1969, the duo啦A dream was the first time as the primary museum published a long series of comic books, since then, this lovely Jiqi Mao on the increasingly broad audience favorite. When the first duo啦A dream of animation in Japan in 1979, when the broadcast, all the Japanese duo then set off an upsurge of啦A dream, although in the early years when there was a recession period, but the past several decades has been unprecedented in Japan Success. Then the first duo啦A dream film also introduced in 1980, in addition to 2005, has an annual spring film distribution in Japan.
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