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Everybody is good I am *** first day class leader candidates. Napoleon has a famous saying: “does not want to work as general the soldier is not the good soldier”. I believed that not only class leader title, not only a corona, behind it has the substantive content, is closely linked with schoolmates. Therefore, if I were elected, I will not let this “be long” become an unwarranted reputation. Leader should be puts up between teacher and a schoolmate's bridge, is teacher's primary assistant. However, I from start first, requests itself strictly, the model function; Next, I, in any situation, will be able to think that at any time schoolmates thought that anxious schoolmates anxious, will dare to insist the principle, will dare to seek the just rights positively for schoolmates. Class leader takes a class collective to take the lead the character, I have ability to handle class's and grade's each kind of business. everybody has the ambition, everybody positively on own initiative serve for other people. We only then practice unceasingly, can form the good school spirit, the school appearance, can enable us first day (4) class this collective unceasingly to go forward, gains the victory unceasingly, from wins one moves toward magnificently step by step. I meet the able to withstand testing, believed that under everybody's joint effort, our class and grade can certainly do splendidly, becomes the entire school advanced class and grade. my lecture finished, thanks everybody!
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