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中国位于欧亚大陆东部,太平洋西岸.中国有4078年(含“夏朝”)的已知文明史(以出现国家体制为始),是亚非大河流域四大文明古国之一.中国领土总面积为 9,596,960 平方公里,其中土地面积 9,326,410 平方公里,水域面积:270,550平方公里,所以说,如果只比较土地面积,那么中国大于美国,是世界第三大.如果加入水域面积,中国领土小于美国,成为世界第四大.排名前2位的分别是俄罗斯和加拿大.中国气候有三大特点:显著的季风特色,明显的大陆性气候和多样的气候类型.冬季气温普遍偏低,南热北冷,南北温差大,超过50℃.主要原因在于:冬季太阳直射南半球,北半球获得太阳能量少;纬度影响:冬季盛行冬季风.夏季全国大部分地区普遍高温(除青藏高原外),南北温差不大.主要原因在于:夏季太阳直射北半球,北半球获得热量多;夏季盛行夏季风,我国大部分地区气温上升到最高值;夏季太阳高度大,纬度越高,白昼时间越长,减缓了南北接受太阳光热的差异.冬季最冷的地方是漠河镇,夏季最热地地方是吐鲁番
China is located in the eastern part of Europe and Asia Pacific in the West Bank.China has in 4078 (including the "Xia") are known to the history of civilization (to appear before the state system for),the Asian-African river basin is one of the four ancient civilizations.China's territory has a total area of 9,596,960 square kilometers,of which a total land area of 9,326,410 square kilometers,water area:270,550 square kilometers,so that if the land area of only comparison,the Chinese than the United States,the world's third largest.If the area of waters,China is less than the territory of the United States as the world's fourth largest.The top 2 are Russia and Canada.China has three major features of climate:a significant feature of the monsoon,a clear continental climate and diverse types of weather.Winter temperatures generally low in the south heat the cold North,large temperature difference between the North and the South,more than 50 ℃.The main reason:the sun directly in the southern hemisphere winter,the northern hemisphere was less solar energy; latitude:winter prevailing winds in winter.Summer high temperatures generally in most parts of the country (other than the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau),not north-south temperature difference.The main reason:the sun directly in the northern hemisphere summer,the heat was more than the northern hemisphere; prevailing summer winds in the summer,temperatures in most parts of China rose to the highest value; high summer sun,the higher the latitude,the longer the day,slowed the acceptance of the North-South solar heat Differences.Winter is the coldest town of Mohe,the summer was the hottest place in Turpan
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