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The advantages and disadvantages of making up a missed lesson
Make up a missed lesson is many students choose to ascend grades of important ways, is also the commonly used method, can make up a missed lesson learned knowledge to review, deepen, prevent forgotten. If excellent students make up a missed lesson, can assure result not to drop, more and more outstanding; For bad grades for students, it can ascend results, is that many parents and students' performance enhancing primary choice.
At the same time make up a missed lesson also exists some bad influence. Students for ascension results spend most of my time spent on make-up, often do not and extracurricular knowledge contact, cause for the final in-class knowledge skilled, for extracurricular practice unfamiliar, and make up a missed lesson will also give students at school, at ordinary times the pressure for example, after-school also spent in study energy, to students, only the correct understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of make-up, make enough psychological preparation, and is willing to make up missed lesson, so that make up a missed lesson can play its real effect.
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