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I was born in a small mountain area surrounded by mountains of two roads,because here is known around the world,namely north gorge bridge and creek dongqiao,be called "sisters bridge".Because of its work skillful and no single nails and let the world to admire,north gorge bridge between bridge have short culture exhibition ","a local retired old teacher at the establishment,where you will have to lounge Bridges understood all-roundly,he is old man for us to interpret who carefully prepared a loose-leaf culture in north gorge bridge book,bridge and 100 old tree,it is said that the tree was one about love story by the great relish for later generations,and the people here in this isolated place since labor reaps,multiplied sons,formed the stracture of of primitive simplicity,it was really a feast of party folkway landscape raises a side people.
2010 November 1 is my lifelong memorable days,I spend less than a year's son in this day to be freshly boiled water scald the arm,when I heard the news when already was after the incident on the third day,for I am commerce activity,family afraid I worry no contact with me,but I still immediately back,when I see the nurse in the hospital open son bandage good wound,my heart stab the pain is very severe.I can't imagine such a small child,how can withstand the ordinary people can't stand the pain?Son's cries like needle deeply tingling with my heart,if the pain let me suffer for this!I swear never going to let him again from any pain,try your parents responsibility,let the son happy,healthy to adulthood.
I was born in a village surrounded by mountains which is famous for two bridges called “sister bridge”-North Gorge Bridge and East Creek Bridge.
The bridges win praise of the whole world for their skillful work and without a single nail. A hall of culture exhibition that is built by local retired teachers at their own cost stands at the bank of North Gorge Bridge. From the exhibition, you can acquire all-round knowledge about the bridges. It is a lively book to understand Taishun Culture. There is also an old tree standing at the bank of North Gorge Bridge. It is about a beautiful love story which has been told from generation to generation. People here are self-contained and self-sufficient. They form structure of primitive simplicity. We could say people here are really raised by the land.
An unforgettable day
November 1, 2010 is the most memorable day in my lifetime. My son, less than one-year-old, was burned by boiled water. It had been three days when I heard the tragedy. At that time, I was in business and out of town. My family was afraid that I was worried so that they didn’t tell me. When I saw my little baby in the hospital, I was so sad and felt like a needle was stabbing my heart. I couldn’t imagine how my baby could stand the miserable pain. His cries tortured me and I wish I could take the pain for him. From then on, I swear I will never let my baby suffer such pain like this. I will be a responsible father and protect my baby until he really grows up.
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