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In contemporary sociaty,more and more students who study in university begin to live out of campus alone or with their friends even boyfriend or girlfriend..Some people present intense emotion of protest about this phenomenon.Whereas,others assert that it is the right of students,nobody should intervene them.In this essay,I will discuss this problem and present my point.
On one hand,live in campus take some advantages.First of all,most of students live in school who will communicate with you everyday,which will bring you more friends.Secondly,live in school may help you tackle problem of study and life easily.Teachers always stay in school for long time per day which provide good chances to ask for help from teachers.
On the other hand,live out school hold its own benefits.At the first place,living out of school may bring students more freedom.Students can make their own scheme such as study plan without being disturb by roommates.Furthermore,students could have a better-quality sleep.Most of the students live out of school longly,which could provide a quiet environment for them to sleep,lower grade sleep students in particular.
Over all,the merits of living in schools are more important than the advantages of living out of schools.Due to this reason,I support students to live in schools.
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