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Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare (2007) (VG)
Captain Macmillan:Oi,Suzy.
Captain Macmillan:Look at this place,fifty-thousand people used to live in this city,now it's a ghost town.I've never seen anything like it.
Captain Macmillan:Good Night!
Captain Macmillan:[after seeing enemy soldiers in Chernobyl] It's a bloody convention out there!
Captain Macmillan:Nice shot lad,I think you blew his left off his left arm.Shock and blood loss will take care of the rest.
Captain Macmillan:[after being compromised] The word 'stealth' doesn't mean anything to you,does it?
Captain Macmillan:[upon seeing a wild dog eating a dead guy] Pooch doesn't look too friendly.
Captain Macmillan:[MI-28 Havoc chopper explodes] Goodnight,ya bastard.
[Macmillan turns and the helicopter hits the top of a building,launching three missiles]
Captain Macmillan:Ahhh...Crap!Run!
[Macmillan trips and nearly gets chopped by the Havoc wreckage]
Captain Macmillan:Crap,I can't move!Sorry,mate.You're gonna have to carry me.
Captain Macmillan:It's now or never,take the shot!
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