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dear sir, hello! my name is nick. i’m in grade 9. today, i really want to join this activity, because i really want to do something to help people. i joined a volunteer activity when i was young. i really enjoyed it. for example, i did many good things for old people, such as cleaning up the yards, washing the vegetables and so on. they are all things that i can do them well. so i have realized showing your warm heart to the old is very important. of course, donating your kindness is helpful a lot. in my opinion, making them happy is one of the best ways to help them. so if i have this chance, i can clean up their rooms, cheer them up and sing songs or tell stories for them. as we all know, on the one hand, we can help the old people to live better. on the other hand, helping others is helping ourselves. if i can join this activity, i believe i can do better than before. please write to me soon. yours, nick
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