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英语作文 急急急 80到120字
假如你是光明中学的李斌,你校学生会(Students’ Union)计划在暑假组织一次面向外籍学生的Camp China夏令营,现正在招募学生组织者,你有意参与筹划这次活动,决定向学生会写一封申请信(信中不能提到真实姓名和学校),表明你的意向, 并且为此设计一个方案。 你的信必须包括 ●夏令营活动的具体方案 ●简单谈谈你设计该方案的理由

Dear sirs,

I’m a student in this school. I have learned that the Students’ Union of our school is going to organize a summer camp i.e. Camp Chinawhich will be open to foreign students this summer. I have also learned that the Students’ Union is recruiting organizers from students. I am now writing to make an application for being recruited. I have much experience in organizing such an activity. If I have been recruited, I will make the following arrangements:

1.        Immediately when the school starts the summer vocation, we put up a notice calling for the students to take part in the summer camp activity.

2.        The students who wish to join the Camp shall get registered before July 25th.

3.        On July 28th, we shall finish booking hotel rooms for the camping students.

4.        The Camp China shall last for about two weeks, from August 1st to August 15th.

We’ll start the journey from Beijing to the camping place Beidai He right on Aug. 1st

5.        On arriving at the camping place, we’ll make the arrangement for the students to settle down in the hotel.

6.        Since the youngsters like swimming, we’ll let the students spend about ten days swimming in the sea. 

7.        In another 3-4 days we’ll let the students play ball games on the sand beach.

8.        On August 15th, we’ll return to Beijing and bring the camp activity to the end.


Looking forward to your early reply


Yours sincerely

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