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故事发生在圣诞节的前夕,穷樵夫的孩子蒂蒂尔和弥蒂尔,在梦中为帮助仙女,替生病的女孩寻找青鸟(bird of happiness).青鸟知道一切和幸福有关的秘密.孩子们历尽千辛万苦,但青鸟多次得而复失.梦醒之后,一位貌似仙女的邻居为他生病的女孩来讨圣诞礼物.蒂蒂尔把自己心爱的鸽子赠送给她,不料鸽子逐渐变成了青色.原来青鸟不用跋山涉水去寻找,它就在人们的身边.此祠喻只有甘愿把幸福送给别人的人才会得到真正的幸福.
The story happened in Christmas Eve,poor woodcutter child deedee and micah's dream,for help in fairy,looking for the sick girl in blue.After all know about the secret of happiness and.The children experienced difficulty,but after gaining many times.Wake up,a seemingly fairy neighbor for his sick girl to Christmas gifts.Deedee darfur to his beloved dove dove gave her,and gradually become green.Don't make blue originally,it is in search of the people around.This temple only put happiness means to others will get real happiness.