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人物:The blind(盲的) old man,the old man's daughter,my parents,my sister,and I
参考词汇:take photo,cross the road,walking stick,get lost作业搜
Last weekend I went to the park with my parents and sister.It was sunny,so it was crowded with busy traffic on the road.       
Last weekend I went to the park with my parents and sister.It was sunny,so it was crowded with busy traffic on the road.We played very happily.(第一幅图)When we wanted to take photos,I saw an old blind man far from them.【高分句型一】He was walking with a stick alone.I thought it was very dangerous for the old man..(第二幅图)So I ran quickly to the man and helped the man walk on by catching the stick【高分句型二】(第三幅图).When the blind man's daughter found him,she thanked me.At this moment,my father took the presious photo for the moment(最后一幅)
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