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voucher 和 certificate 他们都分别表示 什么类型的礼券
voucher 代金券 a printed piece of paper that can be used instead of money to pay for sth
or that allows you to pay less than the usual price
coupon 优惠券 is a piece of printed paper which allows you to pay less money than usual for a product,or to get it free.
gift certificate (美) 礼品券 = gift token(英)
a piece of paper that is worth a particular amount of money and that can be exchanged for goods in a shop/store
gift card 礼品购物卡
voucher 代金券 a printed piece of paper that can be used instead of money to pay for sth
or that allows you to pay less than the usual price
coupon 优惠券 is a piece of printed paper which allows you to pay less money than usual for a product,or to get it free.
gift certificate (美) 礼品券 = gift token(英)
a piece of paper that is worth a particular amount of money and that can be exchanged for goods in a shop/store
gift card 礼品购物卡
一般来说商场会给一些优惠券 我们通常用coupon来说
还有如果是送人的礼品卡 我们通常用gift card来说
certificate代表的是证书一类,通常用于问人是不是qualified for some kind of job
还有如果是送人的礼品卡 我们通常用gift card来说
certificate代表的是证书一类,通常用于问人是不是qualified for some kind of job
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