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Everyone wants to have a happy happy marriage. Marriage counseling experts tell us that marriage requires maturity and mutual sacrifice, most marriages fail because of the lack of such qualities

In my opinion, a mature personality is the cornerstone of a happy marriage.First, we must learn empathy.Only when we become empathy will there be tolerance, understanding and respect.if you only consider your ownfeelings, while ignoring the compromise and accommodate, the marrige won't be happy or sustained.Secondly, we must learn to understand each other.Don't reimbursing dig other's shortcomings. As the saying goes, no one is perfect, Tryto explore other's advantages and strengths.There are a lot of happiness in pieces of our life, but we often ignored them.When angry, think more of other's goodness, think happy drip, all difficulties are nothing. Finally, and the most crucial point, you should learn self-sacrifice. Some people say: "Love is giving, not asking for something," This sentence is wonderful. There are not only the happiness available to share but responsibility and trouble that you should take in your marrige. Such as housework and child care. If both husband and wife can share these responsibilities, pay a little sweat and time for each other's happiness, the marriage will be more happy and sustainable.

A happy marriage by a person's efforts are not enough, it requires two people who always believe that the harvest depends on your paying,.Each person's happiness is in their own hands to grasp, people who understand happiness naturally find happiness on the side!
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