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帮忙写一篇英语三人对话.要求每人至少10句话,(HI.HELLO.等问候语不算一句)题目是 You and your classmate are at the library.There you meet a foreign friend.Introduce  them to each other.
我--A 同学--B 外国朋友--C
C:Hi A !
A:hello C!this is my classmate. B,this is my friend C.
C:nice to meet you!
B:nice to meet you too.
A:what are you looking for?
C:Oh,I am looking for a novel which written by Charlotte Bront(夏洛蒂勃朗特).I leard it is so interesting.
B:That's it! I have read it recently.It's absolutely a book worth reading.
A:Really?what is it about?
B:It's about a girl who fight for her love and future bravly.
A:But,It sounds very nomal
B:no no ,you must read it by yourself or you can't realize the futher meaning in this story.
A:you are right!
C:I think so .
A:I'm earning to reading to as soon as possible.
C:Do you know where the book is?I can't find it.
A:sorry,I have no idea.
B:why not ask the librarian.
C:good idea!
A:let's find the librarian first
C:the librarian said it's in the east side of the second floor
A:Great,let's go and find it!
B:er.I have to go.
A:Do you have the exam this afternoon?
B:oh ,no ,I have a party tonight .I have to do some preparation.
A:a party for you?
B:Yeah!Today is my birthday.Are you free tonight?I want to invite you and C.
C:It' cool! I will be there.
A:So do I!
B:That's great!
C:When will the party start?
B:5 o'clock p.m
C:well,you live beside A,right?
C:I got it .
B:see you tonight!
C/A:see you!