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补充对话 根据中文提示,把对话中缺少的部分补充完整 提示:Daniel(D)去火车站迷了路他问一个女孩(G),她也不熟悉这个地方,询问警察(P)后得知,可以乘坐12路公交车。去最近的12路车站只需沿着街直行,然后在第二个红绿灯(traffic lights)处右转。 D:Excuse me, (1) ? I’m completely lost. G: Oh, I’m a stranger here myself . Why don’t you ask the policeman over there? D: Excuse me , officer. I’m asking about the way to the train station. P: (2), just get off at the last stop and there it is. D: Yes , Bus No.12 , (3)? P: Go ahead this way (4). You’ll see the bus stop there. D: Thanks a lot. P: (5). 帮忙补充完整中间的12345中的单词,句号的地方用陈述句,打问号的地方用疑问句。
补充对话 根据中文提示,把对话中缺少的部分补充完整 提示:Daniel(D)去火车站迷了路他问一个女孩(G),她也不熟悉这个地方,询问警察(P)后得知,可以乘坐12路公交车。去最近的12路车站只需沿着街直行,然后在第二个红绿灯(traffic lights)处右转。 D:Excuse me, (1) ? I’m completely lost. G: Oh, I’m a stranger here myself . Why don’t you ask the policeman over there? D: Excuse me , officer. I’m asking about the way to the train station. P: (2), just get off at the last stop and there it is. D: Yes , Bus No.12 , (3)? P: Go ahead this way (4). You’ll see the bus stop there. D: Thanks a lot. P: (5). 帮忙补充完整中间的12345中的单词,句号的地方用陈述句,打问号的地方用疑问句。
D:Excuse me, (please1) ? I’m completely lost. G: Oh, I’m a stranger here myself . Why don’t you ask the policeman over there? D: Excuse me , officer. I’m asking about the way to the train station. P: (2Let me see), just get off at the last stop and there it is. D: Yes , Bus No.12 , (3isn't it)? P: Go ahead this way (and go streight4). You’ll see the bus stop there. D: Thanks a lot. P: (You are welcome5).
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