Dear John
I’m writing to recommend a book with you. Journey to the West is one of the most famous Chinese novel which was writing by Cheng’en Wu 400 years ago.
There have many magic and strange stories in the book through them we know many principles of our lives. The most important things in your life are belief loyalty and devotion. Beside we can learn about the power of love. If we want to be happy we should love and help the others. What’s more we must be strong in mind if we want achieve success.
I think this book was interesting and valuable.
Li Minghao
Dear John
I’m writing to recommend a book ①with you. Journey to the West is one of the most famous Chinese ②novel which was ③writing by Cheng’en Wu 400 years ago.
There ④have many magic and strange stories in the book through ⑤them we know many principles of our lives. The most important things in ⑥your life are belief loyalty and devotion. ⑦Beside we can learn about the power of love. If we want to be happy we should love and help ⑧the others. What’s more we must be strong in mind if we want ⑨achieve success.
I think this book ⑩was interesting and valuable.
Li Minghao
①with→to ②novel→novels ③ writing→ written
④have→are ⑤ them→which ⑥your→ our ⑦ Beside→ Besides
⑧去掉the ⑨achieve→ to achieve ⑩was→ is
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