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(一)吸收公众存款;   (二)发放短期、中期和长期贷款;   (三)办理国内外结算;   (四)办理票据承兑与贴现;   (五)发行金融债券;   (六)代理发行、代理兑付、承销政府债券;   (七)买卖政府债券、金融债券;   (八)从事同业拆借;   (九)买卖、代理买卖外汇;   (十)从事银行卡业务;   (十一)提供信用证服务及担保;   (十二)代理收付款项及代理保险业务;   (十三)提供保管箱服务;   (十四)经国务院银行业监督管理机构批准的其他业务.
business scope of the bank:
(一)吸收公众存款; absorb the public deposit
(二)发放短期、中期和长期贷款;provide short-term、mid-term and long-term loan   (三)办理国内外结算; handle account settlement both at home and abroad
(四)办理票据承兑与贴现; handle bill acceptance and discount
(五)发行金融债券;grant financial bond
(六)代理发行、代理兑付、承销政府债券;the authority to act for issuing,cashing and consigning government bond
(七)买卖政府债券、金融债券; buy and sell government bond and financial bond  (八)从事同业拆借;  offer inter-bank loan
(九)买卖、代理买卖外汇; buy and sell foreign exchange as well as act for it
(十)从事银行卡业务;  do the business of bank card
 十一)提供信用证服务及担保;  provide service and guarantee of letter of credit
(十二)代理收付款项及代理保险业务; the authority to act for payment and receipt of money and for the insurance business
 (十三)提供保管箱服务; provide safekeeping service 
 (十四)经国务院银行业监督管理机构批准的其他业务.other business approved by the banking supervison and administration institution of state council
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