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As we all know,the resource is limited,and our government appeal to civilization to build a conservation-oriented society.
However,the fact is dissafication.Take it for example that the lights are turned on while no one in the classroom.Besides,the water is running and no one to turn off.What's worse,some people only write several words in a piece of paper.There on denying the fact that many people still waste resource.So we should take steps to contribute to building a conservation-oriented society.We should pay attention to these situations ,and if we see someone is wasting resource,we should persuade him to treasure these resource.
In my opinion,though we only are teenagers,we can try our best to value these resource,and we should remember it's our responsibily at same time.
看了 英语作文关于:建设节约型社会...的网友还看了以下:

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