早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Water is recognized as the source of life.However,this source is in trouble and we are faced with the problem of water pollution.
Polluted water carries poisonous chemicals to rivers and seas,poisoning animals and infecting our drinking water.Water is mainly polluted by industrial wastes.
For example,water coming from the paper----making factories will pollute the clean water near the factories.
The quality of water directly influences our health,and water resources are limited on earth.So,effective measures should be taken immediately to secure our life.
Water is recognized as the source of life.However,this source is in trouble and we are faced with the problem of water pollution.
Polluted water carries poisonous chemicals to rivers and seas,poisoning animals and infecting our drinking water.Water is mainly polluted by industrial wastes.
For example,water coming from the paper----making factories will pollute the clean water near the factories.
The quality of water directly influences our health,and water resources are limited on earth.So,effective measures should be taken immediately to secure our life.
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