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摘 要
【关键词】次贷危机 次级抵押贷款 商业银行 风险管理 金融监管
The policy of China's banking against the subprime crisis
since at the beginning of 2007,the world presented an American overlying mortgage loan crisis,this crisis afterward evolved into the whole world contraction of credit.This crisis by the astonishing speed spread,was bigger than the late-1980s's US heir apparent to the West financial organ and the whole world money market's impact on loan the organization crisis,was also not inferior to 11 year ago the financial crisis in Asia.It unifies with the American real estate's decline and ferments,is the American economy development further postpones,and has certain negative influence to the world economics.
In “butterfly effect” under the function,the American loan crisis has caused in the global scale the money market fierce turbulence.The economical financial globalization as well as the intense money market competition set a higher request day by day for the modern Commercial bank risk management.Although this American secondary room loans the disturbance not to bring disaster to our country,but to opens day by day the Chinese financial industry as well as the property congenial atmosphere gradually the thick stock market real estate market,also has profits from the function,what China should consider is how from the American loan crisis the learn lesson,provides for a rainy day,is forearmed.This article analyzed the American loan crisis's occurrence and the influence,and has analyzed the American loan crisis thoroughly to the domestic bank management and operation enlightenment,and discussed Our country Banking industry to deal with.
【Key words】subprime crisis subprime mortgage commercial bank risk management financial regulation
China's banking sector deal with the U.S.sub-prime crisis response
Since the beginning of 2007 the world has witnessed a U.S.sub-prime mortgage crisis that later evolved into a global credit crunch.Crisis spreading at an alarming rate,to Western financial institutions and global financial markets,the impact is greater than the 20th century,late 80's crisis,the U.S.savings and loan institutions,but also no less than 11 years ago,the Asian financial crisis.It is combined with the U.S.housing recession and fermentation is the development of further slowdown in the U.S.economy,and the world economy have a certain negative impact.
In the "butterfly effect" under the influence of the U.S.sub-prime mortgage crisis has caused a worldwide upheaval in financial markets.Economic and financial globalization and increasingly fierce competition in the financial markets in a modern commercial bank risk management has put forward higher requirements.While the U.S.sub-prime mortgage crisis did not bring disaster to our country,but the increasingly open China's financial sector and asset speculative atmosphere is pervading the stock and property markets,this also has a reference role,and China should take into account is how the U.S.sub-prime mortgage crisis lesson,take precautions against danger.This paper analyzes the occurrence of the U.S.sub-prime crisis and its impact,and in-depth analysis of the U.S.sub-prime crisis on domestic bank management insights,and to explore China's banking industry deal with the U.S.sub-prime crisis.
[Key words] sub-prime mortgage crisis,subprime mortgage risk management of commercial banks in financial supervision
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