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Within this otherwise "uninhabited city",ab eight-story,two-hundred-room hotel,with an unusual triangular plan,houses amigrant population of visitors who come here to attend conferences,get married or simply relax and roam around.A single concrete pier carrying the apex of the hotel is located within a circular garden around which cars drive in order to access the hotel.The five-story undercroft of the building accommodates public spaces,banqueting halls,services,parking,and a walkway connected to the Chapel of the Sea and the Circular Forum.
Undulating and terraced forms of new planting and reforestation flank Awaji Yumebutai on both ocean andlangward sides.In the first instance,the planting is arranged around the organic contours of an ornamental pool in the adjacent national park,while in the second,it is systematically terraced according to the precepts of scientific reclamation.Her it is evident how a city-in-miniature may serve as a catalyst by which to justify th expense of reclaiming such a vastarea
在这里面另外 " 无人居住的城市 ",八层楼高的,二 - 百-房间酒店,与一不寻常的三角形的计划,房子 amigrant 来这里叁加会议,结婚或者只是在附近放松而且漫游的访客的人口.一具体物携带酒店的顶的码头在附近在一个圆形的花园内哪一个汽车驾驶为了要通路酒店.建筑物的五层楼高的圆顶地下室适应民众空间,宴会门厅,仪式,停车,和一个走道连接到海洋的小礼拜堂和圆形的论坛.
波动而且使新种植的表格成梯形地和重新造林侧面 Awaji Yumebutai 在两者的之上大海 andlangward 边.在第一个例证中,种植是安排在那周围有机的等高线装饰物池在毗连的国家公园中,在秒个中的时候,它有系统地使依照科学矫正的教训成梯形地.她的它是显然的如何一个城市-在-缩图可能视为一个催化剂被哪一个到校正 th 开垦如此的 vastarea 的费用