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1908年由美国摩尔·匡威于麻省春田市创办了篮球鞋的专业制造厂,CONVER ALL STAR于是就诞生了.1917年正式推出了ALL STAR帆布鞋,以其狂放不羁的设计,风靡全球一炮而红.1923年以具有运动天赋和口才的篮球明星CHVCK TAYLOR的亲笔签名成为著名商标.集复古、流行、环保于一身的ALL START帆布鞋,是美国文化的精神象征,以其随心所欲,自由自在没有约束的穿着形态,更成为追求自我时尚的青年人的忠实排挡.在中国市场,现在上市的有ALL STARCHUCK TAYLOR (全明星经典帆布鞋)、JACK PURCELL(开口笑)、PRO STAR(古典帆布鞋)三大系列 翻译成英文
1908 by the United States ALL the Moore in springfield, Massachusetts founded the basketball shoes's specialized factory, CONVER ALL STAR and was born. 1917 officially launched the ALL STAR canvas shoes, with its wild free design, became popular in the world a gun and red. 1923 years with sports talent and eloquent basketball star CHVCK TAYLOR autograph become famous trademark. Set to restore ancient ways, pop, environmental protection at a suit ALL START canvas shoes, is spiritual symbol of American culture, with its follow one's inclinations, freely without constraint in the shape, more fashionable young people become pursuit ego faithful buddies. In the Chinese market, and now the have listed ALL STARCHUCK TAYLOR (all-star classic canvas shoes), JACK PURCELL (open smile), PRO STAR (classic canvas shoes) three major series