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1.现在,越来越多的动物正濒临灭绝的翻译 2.人们砍伐树木导致动物居住地减少,有的人为了金钱、毛皮和动物的肉而猎杀动物,用它们的皮毛做衣服。用动物制成药物,一些人甚至去吃野生动物; 3.动物是我们的朋友,保护动物就像是保护我们自己,所以尽全力保护他们吧 用英语,80词,急急急急!谢谢了!
  1. Nowadays,more and more animals are nearly extinct.

  2. People cut down trees and that results in the decrease of their habitats.Some people hunt animals for money,fur and meat.They use their fur to make clothes and make medicine by animals.

  3. Animals are our friends,to protect animals is to protect ourselves,so please try your best to protect them.

看了 1.现在,越来越多的动物正濒...的网友还看了以下: