早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


关键字:建筑施工企业 应收账款 信用管理 内部控制
  At present our country economy in global economy plays an important role in the comprehensive national strength also strengthen gradually, construction as one of the backbone industries of China's economic development is rapid. Along with the construction industry scale continually expanding, competition in this industry is also more and more fierce, many problems are increasingly prominent, especially receivables management is always the construction enterprises are facing the main issues. Domestic construction enterprise accounts receivable recovery, a large amount of enormous pressure receivable occupied the enterprise's capital flow, reduced the enterprise funds utilization rate, influence enterprise benefit. This paper expounds on the construction enterprise receivables, and points out that the concept of construction enterprise receivables and other industry enterprise receivables in listed companies of different, "dragon yuan construction group" as example to analyze the receivables, find out the receivable management problems and causes, and also put forward countermeasures were put forward from the external environment and put forward enterprise itself from the internal environment of the account receivable therefore, a series of control and afterwards.
  题目:dragon yuan construction group of exploration of the management of accounts receivable
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