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Barcelona is located in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula to the brink of the Mediterranean,located in the geographical coordinates 41 ° 23'N,2 ° 11'E.Is the second largest city in Spain,but also the regional capital of Catalonia,Barcelona Province (part of the capital of the autonomous region of Catalonia),the Catalan regional Parliament,the executive,the High Court have been set up here.Population of about 1.6 million.According to legend,the city built by the Carthaginian generals Hamid Mallorca Baca also served as the Count of Barcelona territory and the capital city of the Kingdom of Aragon,in its long history.Barcelona become a destination for many tourists because of its many historic buildings and cultural attractions.Barcelona has two well-known football club Barcelona and the Spanish.Barcelona is one of the world's most famous football club.
"European Flower" Barcelona
The city is located in the northeast of Spain along the Mediterranean coast,mountains and the sea,the magnificent topography,is the gateway to the Iberian Peninsula,is a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and drought,mild winters and rainy.The city area of 91 square kilometers,the urban population of about 1.6 million,together with the outlying areas of 4 million,second only to the capital Madrid,is also one of the most densely populated city in the world.
"European Flower" Barcelona
The city is located in the northeast of Spain along the Mediterranean coast,mountains and the sea,the magnificent topography,is the gateway to the Iberian Peninsula,is a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and drought,mild winters and rainy.The city area of 91 square kilometers,the urban population of about 1.6 million,together with the outlying areas of 4 million,second only to the capital Madrid,is also one of the most densely populated city in the world.
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