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For foreign friends gifts,can be China calligraphy,with decorative nature of the small screen,character,knot,poetic couplet,having an antique flavour of the fan,the best thing is China wind.
You can take some silk,embroidery,chopsticks like Dongdong,parents send like Facebook,calligraphy and painting.
If you have what talent,such as painting is good,has the significance very much his own painting a picture of Chinese landscape painting,or painting copy.Buy a carved his name ceramic is also very meaningful.
You can also send some tea,Shaoxing rice wine and other distinctive food culture.
International gift giving tips:
In international exchanges,people often through gifts to express my thanks and congratulations,to promote friendship.For foreign friends gifts should as far as possible to consider the recipient's preferences,"hit on what one likes" is the most basic principles of the gifts.If do not know each other like,sure way is the choice with the national characteristics of handicraft.Chinese It is quite common for kite,erhu,flute,paper-cut,chopsticks,stamp,Facebook,calligraphy and painting,tea,once in the hands of foreign friends,often favored,worth double.Courtesy is not heavy but is appropriate,sometimes give too expensive gifts but will make the recipients uneasy.
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