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1 北欧的定义:我们所称的北欧地区在政治意义上来讲主要包括五个国家,即:瑞典,芬兰,丹麦,挪威和冰岛
北欧模式:劳动生产率明显高于其他国家 “从摇篮到坟墓”的社会保障 国民所得和财富分配无悬殊现象 世界竞争力稳居前10 政府清廉度最高

A Nordic definition: we call the Nordic region in the political sense, including five countries, namely : Sweden, Finland , Denmark, Norway and Iceland
The Nordic countries are called " welfare state window " and the " Western world social laboratory" , so we are talking about today, " Nordic welfare state " is mainly talking about the five countries the welfare state , since this five countries, the welfare state has very similar letter , so we 'll put them to tell the story as a whole .
2 Definition of the welfare state : the so-called welfare state was set up by the national legislation and the more perfect the social security system.
In the modern sense of the Nordic welfare state is built up after World War II .
3 Nordic welfare state development: the war in the early 1970s in the Nordic welfare state period of great development , this time has been spent in the Nordic economic recovery phase , entered a rapid development period. The rapid economic growth of the welfare state provides the perfect solid material foundation , during this period in the Nordic countries on the basis of the existing welfare system in content constantly enrich and expansion, the formation is called social democratic welfare model system .
Since the mid- 1970s , the oil crisis hit a few , the Nordic countries have a serious economic crisis, into the " stagflation " ( high inflation, high unemployment, low economic growth ) predicament. Economic crisis has triggered a "welfare state" crisis, to the economic, social and political development has brought serious consequences.
4 Nordic welfare system formed an enviable " Nordic model"
The Nordic model : labor productivity was significantly higher than other countries "cradle to grave" social security without national income and wealth distribution disparity World Competitiveness in the top 10 highest clean government
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