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英语 作为:生活中有哭也有乐.我们可以尽情享受“乐”,但遇到困难时我们该怎么做呢?
生活中有苦也有乐.我们可以尽情享受“乐”,但遇到困难时我们该怎么做呢?请以“Believe yourself,and you will win 为题写一片短文,描述自己在学习生活中遇到困难并战胜他的过程.90词 .、
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Believe Yourself, and You Will Win
Life is filled with ups and downs, happiness and sadness, success and failures… One always enjoys the good things, but what if he encounters challenges, difficulties, adverse circumstances, and even failures? The attitude towards difficulties will determine the next phase you are going to step into. Positive attitude will provide you with opportunities and possibilities and lead you to the final success, while negative attitude will make yourself feel even worse and provide you with nothing but only depression. By thinking those negative thoughts you will never win the battle and never get out of your downturn. You must believe in yourself and believe that you can overcome all the difficulties and with believing the unbelievable and staying focused on a continuous positive attitude in your life anything can happen when least expected. Never give up on yourself, and eventually you will win.
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