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(4)参考词汇:according to the survey根据调查.
Let's Spend More Time Doing Sports
It is reported that American students spend more than 70minutes on physical activities every day.However,in China students have only 12minutes for physical activities.Then what do our Chinese students do after school?Now let me take our school for example.
After all,health is above everything else.
Let's Spend More Time Doing Sports
It is reported that American students spend more than 70 minutes on physical activities every day,However,in China students have only 12 minutes for physical activities.Then what do our Chinese students do after school?Now let me take our school for example.
According to the survey in our school,40% of our after school time is spent doing homework and 25% is for watching TV or listening to music,Playing computer games takes up 20% of our free time.We have only 15% of our time that is used for physical activities.【高分句型一】(调查图表分析)It is quite clear that we have spent too little time on physical activities.I really hope that the Society and school will do something to change the situation.And encourage all the students to go out to do some sports.As a student we should also try our best to take part in Sports as much as possible.【高分句型二】After all health is above everything else.(我的看法和呼吁)
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