早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


"Han History" said that, Affiliation Gu Jianhan rides Sima Lu Matongto say that, "If not my dead person?" Ma Tongmian it, refers to WangYiyue that, "This item of king." The feather said that, "My Wen HangouI a daughter, the Yi ten thousand households, I am male." Is from cutsthe throat. Wang Yiqu his/her head. Also said that, The great-great grandfather incurs the fieldhorizontally, horizontally to the corpse township 厩, says thefollower to say: "Your majesty wants as soon as to see my surface ear,now cuts my head, spreads 30 miles, the shape has not still defeated."Then from cuts the throat. Is presented his/her head the guest. Also said that, Chin Shihhuang takes a seat for 37 years, in the evensix countries, outside resist four 夷, the deceased person like mess,under the exposed bone Great Wall, the forehead belongs to the road. Also said that, Sun Jingzi the article is valuable, easy to learn,晨夕 continuous, rests until the dormancy the weary bedroom, is thehead hangs room Liang by the rope, latter for present age profoundscholar. Also said that, Chen obeys the length eight feet 馀, the long bignose, the appearance is really great. Also said that, Censor Doctor the Chen Wannian child is salty, 亢直has 异才. Ten thousand year Chang Zhaoxian teaches under the bed toabstain it, salty rests, the head touches the screen, ten thousandyears get angry it, salty kowtow for broken also, ten thousand yearsno longer say. Also said that, Constructs unreliably center, Hsiungnu falling wordHsiungnu 月氏 king, take its as drinking. (Imitates old ways saidthat, Drinks wine.)
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