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China is exquisite, is the custom of decorum ancient civilizations, and has always advocated "that costs less than civility. China is patriarchal society by Confucianism, long-term since, have organized and ethics, personnel and restricting Chinese custom words. In the daily life of the common and greeting.
Greeting is the reflection of social life. In ancient times, our ancestors, often by burrowing wild beasts, and meet the attack on "no it is asked?" With the caveman, beasts and snake lives over the threat not so serious, but also continuously by natural disasters and diseases, then ask "safe to meet all?" Later, more and more people are quite low level of productivity and finally became a problem, eat. According to historical records, the ancient ancestors of our two meals a day. So, it is not difficult for us to understand the Chinese eat with relevant words would have so much. "Therefore," "food is treasure in", "marxism-leninism," what is the spirit of grain, in order to food miles "officer," "nothing". Drink
Due to the development and importance to eat Chinese food culture. "To eat?" Now our country is often hung in the mouth, it displays common people care about each other, and reflects the thousands of years of Chinese government to solve problems of Chinese meal is a solid, also explain the features of language. Even today has basically solved the problem of food and clothing 1.1 billion people, this greeting habit for a change.
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