早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Dear Ms. Doughty
Thank you for your interest in our housing projects. Although this projects will cost a little more money, you and your family will be definitely benefited from the green and renewable materials we are going to use for your house.
First of all, the green materials are good for your health. They will not cause any sickness because there is no chemical composition in the building materials. Although these green materials will cost a little more money, they will bring you and your family good health. Moreover, you may trust us that any money spent now will bring you big profit in future. For example, the solar energy system will support you free hot water and electric power. Our solar energy system also has a lifetime warranty. You will save more money in the future.
If you still have any question about this housing project, you are welcome to contact us or just drop by our office any time.
这是一封信,说的是一个承包商只能用green and renewable的材料建筑,他的一个客人害怕会花很多的钱,所以要写一封信缓和对方的顾虑。 如果我写的那里思想不太对的,也可以帮我改改。跪谢了
Dear Ms. Doughty
Thank you for your interest in our housing projects. Although this projects will cost a little more money, you and your family will be definitely benefited from the green and renewable materials we are going to use for your house.
First of all, the green materials are good for your health. They will not cause any sickness because there is no chemical composition in the building materials. Although these green materials will cost a little more money, they will bring you and your family good health. Moreover, you may trust us that any money spent now will bring you big profit in future. For example, the solar energy system will support you free hot water and electric power. Our solar energy system also has a lifetime warranty. You will save more money in the future.
If you still have any question about this housing project, you are welcome to contact us or just drop by our office any time.
这是一封信,说的是一个承包商只能用green and renewable的材料建筑,他的一个客人害怕会花很多的钱,所以要写一封信缓和对方的顾虑。 如果我写的那里思想不太对的,也可以帮我改改。跪谢了
Dear Ms.Doughty
Thank you for your interest in our housing projects.Although this (project) will cost a (bit) more (X),you and your family will (x) definitely (benefit) from the green and renewable materials we are going to use for your house.
First of all,the green materials are good for your health.They will not cause any (harm to the body) because there is no chemical composition in the building materials.Although these green materials will cost a little more (x),they will bring you and your family good health.Moreover,you may trust us that any money spent now will bring you (huge benefit) in future.For example,the solar energy system will (provide) you (with) free hot water and electric power.Our solar energy system also has a lifetime warranty.You will save more money in the (long run).
(Should you have further enquiries) about this housing project,you are welcome to contact us or just drop by our office any time.
Thank you for your interest in our housing projects.Although this (project) will cost a (bit) more (X),you and your family will (x) definitely (benefit) from the green and renewable materials we are going to use for your house.
First of all,the green materials are good for your health.They will not cause any (harm to the body) because there is no chemical composition in the building materials.Although these green materials will cost a little more (x),they will bring you and your family good health.Moreover,you may trust us that any money spent now will bring you (huge benefit) in future.For example,the solar energy system will (provide) you (with) free hot water and electric power.Our solar energy system also has a lifetime warranty.You will save more money in the (long run).
(Should you have further enquiries) about this housing project,you are welcome to contact us or just drop by our office any time.
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