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老师让写关于移民的20个问题 不能太具体 ex:why people want to immigrate?
这是我的作业 我是刚移民到加拿大的 所以对这里的教学方式也是一头雾水 我想到了 7个 但要写20 个 哎
我帮你找了几个,如果觉得太具体就把"you" 改成"people"吧.都是关于canada的.
1. Why do you want to leave your country?
2. Are you prepared for the challenges that come with a move to a new country?
3. Why did you choose Canada? Why not Australia, New Zealand, the US or Britain?
4. What do you expect Canada to be like?
5. Which city in Canada do you want to go to? Why did you decide on that city?
6. Do you have family/friends in Canada? If so, where do they live?
7. Will your relatives/friends assist you after you move to Canada?
8. How do you plan to connect with your relatives/friends in you live in different cities?
9. How will you support yourself and your family before you get a job?
10. How much money do you plan to take with you to Canada?
11. How long do you think your funds will last you if you haven't found a job?
12. Have you found out about the cost of living in your intended destination?
13. Explain how you plan to find a job in Canada.
14. Will you be using the Internet for your job search?
15. What other means would you use to find a job?
16. There are so many job-seekers in Canada who are familiar with current industry practices. Why do you believe you can get the job ahead of them?
17. Have you been in touch with prospective employers in Canada with regard to your job search?
18. Do you know of any associations or licensing bodies related to your profession in Canada?
19. Have you attempted to contact them? If yes, what did they say?
20. What would you do if you cannot find a job in your field?
21. Would you seek government unemployment benefits while you are unemployed?
22. Would you return to your home country if you can't find a job?
23. Where do you see yourself five or 10 years from now?
看了 老师让写关于移民的20个问题...的网友还看了以下: