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The feeling of watching 《spider-man》
When I watched the film 《spider-man》,it give me a deep impressed.The main host-peter who is handsome and brave.He helped so many people who is need others help.As the hero of people's heart,peter was think of a God to the people's heart.He is the justice of hero and even sarcrified his study and love.He stands sorrow and broken-friendship.We can imagin that if we were him,whether we can sarcrified our love and friendship and even our study.In our life,people become more and more apartness.People afraid of helping others and get into trouble.Although we can not to do like peter to use his own special abilities ,we can also try our best to help people who are in trouble.For example ,if we see some thieves to stolen people's wallet,we can shout at in order to make the thieves hurries and should not like most of people could't say any word only seeing.Everybody is right,our society need it ,our life also need it .If we can contribute our love-heart,our society will become more and more warmth.People can make getting along well to each other and not like apartness!
It may have taken him the best part of 25 years, but Robert Downey Jr. has finally arrived as a bona fide movie star. When Tom Hanks first made a Splash and Tom Cruise was indulging in Risky Business with Rebecca De Mornay, Downey Jr. was starting out in Weird Science.
After a turbulent personal life he now looms large, plastered across the sides of buses and magazine covers in support of Iron Man, the first of this summer's blockbuster extravaganzas. He's an unconventional leading man in a conventional superhero movie. His Tony Stark, a billionaire industrialist and weapons contractor turned superhero, is flamboyant, an eccentric genius - James Bond with a pinch of Howard Hughes. It's perhaps a little strong to say that he carries Iron Man, but it's hard to envision it being as enjoyable without him.
We first meet Stark in Afghanistan (updated from the comic's Vietnam setting). His military convoy is struck by terrorists and he finds himself captured and nursing a gruesome chest wound. Flashing back 36 hours we catch him indulging in his wealth and fame. He shamelessly ploughs head first into the playboy lifestyle, gambling at the Vegas high-rollers table and seducing a knockout blonde. Various supporting cast members are introduced in the process - his faithful but oddly-monikered assistant Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow), military advisor Colonel James Rhodes (Terrence Howard) and Stark Industries executive Obadiah Stane (Jeff Bridges).
Stark jets to Afghanistan to give prospective buyers a demonstration of the new Jericho weapon. After a successful sales pitch ("I prefer the weapon you only need to fire once") the story loops back to Stark's capture by the shady Ten Rings terrorist group. With an electromagnet installed in his chest to keep shrapnel away from his heart, he constructs a clunky, walking battle-tank exoskeleton to break out of captivity.
As far as superhero origin films go, Iron Man is at the higher end of the scale. Better than the first X-Men but not quite as soaring as Spider-Man, its mandate is fairly simple: be loud, be entertaining and don't get too serious. It succeeds on all fronts but, as is often the problem with inaugural superhero outings, there's a lot of exposition to wade through.
Starting and ending with a bang, Iron Man's heels are clipped in the middle by spending too long in getting the eponymous superhero into action. Stark constructs three different armour prototypes (a gift for toy manufacturers) before he gets to the final design. Downey Jr's charisma during the sagging mid-point is crucial in keeping the movie afloat. Take the numerous scenes with him talking to robotic arms as they construct the battle armour. He manages to keep things engaging and funny without threatening to turn proceedings into a high-tech Punch and Judy show.
Downey Jr. and Paltrow possess a crackle together on screen, their snappy back and forth dialogue reminiscent of classic screen pairs like Grant and Hepburn. Paltrow's character is subservient and underused, but her introduction, where she dismisses one of Stark's floosies, paints her as more than a shrinking violet.
Iron Man briefly ponders exploring deeper territory, presenting an interesting shift in Stark's moral compass. He has generated billions as a warmonger but his brush with death in Afghanistan prompts an awakening, reinvigorating him with humanitarian drive and focus. He begins the movie as an empty shell but is given soul by hiding behind another. Director Favreau wisely chooses not to dwell on the Lord of War vibe and pulls theme park action into the foreground.
As a first franchise entry (the film’s closing scene, with Stark's out-of-the-blue revelation, leaves intriguing potential for a sequel) and a blockbuster to kick off the summer season, Iron Man proves to be an excellent introduction.
剧情:Tony Stark is the complete playboy who also happens to be an engineering genius. While in Afghanistan demonstrating a new missile he's captured and wounded. His captors want him to assemble a missile for them but instead he creates an armored suit and a means to prevent his death from the shrapnel left in his chest by the attack. He uses the armored suit to escape. Back in the U.S. he announces his company will cease making weapons and he begins work on an updated armored suit only to find that Obadiah Stane, his second in command at Stark industries has been selling Stark weapons to the insurgents. He uses his new suit to return to Afghanistan to destroy the arms and then to stop Shane from misusing his research.
你能以英雄之名死去 流芳百世
you either die a hero...
也可以存活于世 看着自己落入恶人之伍
...or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
I can do those things...
因为我不是英雄 和丹特不同
...because I‘m not a hero, not like dent.
我杀了那些人 这是我能做的
I killed those people. that‘s what I can be.
不 不 你不能这样 你不是这种人
No, no, you can‘t. you‘re not.
高潭需要什么人 我就是什么人
I‘m whatever gotham needs me to be.
Call it in.
A hero.
不应是我们应得的英雄 而是我们需要的英雄
Not the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed.
Nothing less than a knight...
They‘ll hunt you.
You‘ll hunt me.
You‘ll condemn me.
Set the dogs on me.
Because that‘s what needs to happen.
Because sometimes...
... the truth isn ‘t good enough.
Sometimes people deserve more.
Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded.
他为什么跑走了 爸爸
Why‘s he running, dad?
Because we have to chase him.
好了 我们冲进去 快! 行动!
Okay, we‘re going in! go, go! move!
He didn‘t do anything wrong.
因为他是我们应得的英雄 而不是现在需要的英雄
Because he‘s the hero gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
So we‘ll hunt him...
... because he can take it.
Because he‘s not our hero.
He‘s a silent guardian...
...a watchful protector.
A dark knight.
Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of the eponymous adolescent wizard Harry Potter, together with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his best friends. The central story arc concerns Harry's struggle against the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents in his quest to conquer the wizarding world, after which he seeks to subjugate the Muggle (non-magical) world to his rule.