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Paulaner restaurant is located in the scenic Jinji Lake in Suzhou,close to the Suzhou Science and Technology Cultural Arts Center,Expo Center,Suzhou,humanities elegant atmosphere of the natural environment with a unique combination of centuries-old created the famous Munich,Germany Paulaner beer in Suzhou birth.
Paulaner restaurant offers high-quality pure draft beer,copper flashing light beer cans with the German tradition of mutual background of wooden furniture,antique reproduction of the Bavarian style exotic warm.
In the Paulaner restaurant,in addition to beer,you can enjoy with the pure taste of the variety of German delicacies.Among them,a well-known large platter,pork knee,Frankfurt sausage,Munich sausage,smoked pork chops and fried meat pie and so on.In addition,the Paulaner restaurant dishes regularly launch of ex-gratia for the majority of our guests.Exotic combination of bands,to feel your feelings.
New business concept,the unique layout of the decoration,the traditional brewing techniques,long history of beer culture,and so become the Paulaner restaurant features authentic Sioux City restaurant.
Paulaner restaurant offers high-quality pure draft beer,copper flashing light beer cans with the German tradition of mutual background of wooden furniture,antique reproduction of the Bavarian style exotic warm.
In the Paulaner restaurant,in addition to beer,you can enjoy with the pure taste of the variety of German delicacies.Among them,a well-known large platter,pork knee,Frankfurt sausage,Munich sausage,smoked pork chops and fried meat pie and so on.In addition,the Paulaner restaurant dishes regularly launch of ex-gratia for the majority of our guests.Exotic combination of bands,to feel your feelings.
New business concept,the unique layout of the decoration,the traditional brewing techniques,long history of beer culture,and so become the Paulaner restaurant features authentic Sioux City restaurant.
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